Gorgeous customer photos of Milani Samuels. Her mom Monique Samuel's shared photos of her daughter, with her Natural Girls United dolls, from 2016 and 2019. Milani is such a gorgeous little girl; and I am happy that she loves her NGU dolls.
This beautiful doll was purchased for a customers birthday celebration. She did an amazing job with displaying the doll (clothing and accessories purchased by customer). "See the photo of my beautiful doll. ...she was a huge hit at my 50th birthday celebration. Your work is awesome and made my celebration just a little more festive. After all, when I received my first doll almost 50 years ago, she was white and I was afraid of her. My uncle had to paint her brown so that I'd play with her. Now, look at how far we've come...now, I have my [new doll]." - N.R.
Fabulous Bay Area Loctician Kem Simmons, with her custom ordered Natural Girls United doll.
Thank you for sharing your photo of your Natural Girls United photo on Instagram Jae!
Jennifer's daughter's new doll from Natural Girls United! "My daughter LOVES her doll!! I'm so glad I found you guys in time for her birthday! It's perfect!!!" - Jennifer B.
Tariana won this curly braids NGU doll at the Hidi Opportunities G.I.R.L.S Expo.
![]() Thank you to LavishlyBritt for sharing my N.G.U. doll, that I customized for you. This video was published in February 2017, for Black History Month. To see the full video, please go to - Black Owned Baby Haul. To see more of Brittany, go to LavishlyBritt - YouTube.
Review from Online Radio Personality, Kena Shaw.
![]() Thank you to Kena, for this great review of her Afro Hair doll from Natural Girls United. I am happy that she finally has a doll that represents her beauty with her skin complexion and her hair texture. To learn more about Kena, check out her online radio show at Chocolateisnatural.
"Karen Byrd and Natural Girls Unite products are superb. Her heart goes into her work, and her customers. She is one of a kind, just as her products are. It is rare to have the combination of Unique and Superior Products, with the individualized service Karen Byrd provides. During the 3 Month period leading up to my purchase, I changed my mind, asked many questions, and delayed the sale, none of which phased Karen. She methodically, thoroughly, and with a positive attitude, she answered each question promptly, professionally, and enthusiastically, making the purchase an extremely positive experience. It is very rare to find these traits in any business these days. Karen is truly the "Best of the Best". Jah Blessings, Doug Z" - Doug Z., Email
"Finally!! I love that your dolls highlight the diversity and beauty of every black woman. Holding a doll that looks like you and has your textured hair & features is a very powerful message that you are beautiful even if that beauty is not always embraced and reflected back to you by society. I need to know where I can get these for my daughters and nieces. Long overdue and well done. Love it!!" - Camila P., Facebook
"God bless you for stepping out of the box and blessing us with these beautiful dolls! I wish I had them back in the 1960"s when I was trying to develop my self image as a little girl. One step for African American women. Thank you!" - Tanya M., Facebook
"My sister loves the doll. Just wanted to thank you once again for the fantastic job you've done. Thank you." - Keeshona B., Email
"Gorgeous hair [re:dolls hair],I want that hairstyle!" - Didie L., Facebook
"Karen we are so enjoying this doll! I am going to have 1 made like me soon! We are going to keep passing them thru our family as family heirlooms! Down so that many years from now Lea's daughter will be able to look at the dolls and till one day down the family tree someone looks up at the mantel and says that's my grandmother" - From Keshia who brought a doll for her daughter. Comment shared on Facebook.
"Karen - Just got Kaya's doll. She is beautiful! Thank you so much for making natural beauty a reality for our family! Happy Holidays!" - Milissa D., Email
"I cannot wait to have a little girl to get one of these for." - Annette Lilly, Twitter
"Just a note to say I saw your gorgeous dolls on the MHP Show this morning and I love them! As a 51 year-old, nappy haired African-American woman, they spoke to the little girl in me who struggled with her identify as a child, and with her inability to grow long, straight hair. Your work will make a difference in the lives of little black girls everywhere who have no idea how beautiful they are. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" - Paula T., email
"Omg your dolls are AMAZING. I'm from the UK and we have nothing like them over here. All my dolls I buy for my daughter, I have to buy overseas. It's like we don't matter in the UK. I will def be placing a order with u in the near future. Well done!" - Hannah H, Email
"I am SO MAD I never had any dolls like this when I was young. These are HOT!! For the first time in my life, I wish I had a little girl so I could get her one of your dolls! I what you're doing. More of our little girls need to know that their natural hair is beautiful and something to be proud of! Much & Kudos to you Karen!" - Nishia I., Facebook
"Even as a grown man, it's refreshing to see a doll that epitomizes and models itself after the Black Woman. It would be a beautiful thing to see the black youth grow up with a doll to play with (or collect), like Barbie was to the white girls in its era. I must share this with females of my family ;-)." & "I'm a grown man that has to say I like knowing that these dolls are out there in representation of Black culture. It's about time. What really caught my attention is expression of the hair from our Black culture. The diversity of skin tones as well as hair textures and styles of the dolls is part of their beauty that reflects the real life Ebony Nubian." - Earl S., Facebook
"Let me start out by saying.....OMG!!!!!!! These dolls are beyond BEAUTIFUL!!!! I can not believe my eyes. You have done,are doing something that hasn't been done before. I am just speechless I have never seen anything like it, this is exactly what (we) is needed to let little girls understand that they are also beautiful. I would like to purchase one for every little I know.I am so HAPPY that i came across your site. You are doing extraordinary things.. You are changing the world as we know it. Just want to say THANK YOU." - Katica M, Email
"Creativity at it's best" - Anne N., Facebook
"Just saw your dolls on the MSNBC on the Melissa Harris-Perry show!! had to check this out and Wow! Thank you!! Geez I know what I'm getting my baby niece for xmas!! Perfect!! I might just collect them all for myself! Love it!" - Andrea W., Facebook
"Oh how I wish I could have bought these dolls for my daughters when they were growing up! I think I may buy one for myself." - Victoria B., Facebook
"!!! AMAZING ARTIST...KAREN BYRD !!!" - Ann K., Facebook
"Thanks so much and a special thank you for your contribution to heightening (in the eyes of our girls) the natural beauty and diversity of Black hair." - Akilah, Email
"Karen, just saw your work on Melissa Harris-Perry and I have already shared links to your site on multiple platforms. I love this and will share it with all of my friends raising girls. I believe in this, as self-hate and image issues begin with the dolls our kids play with. Superman and Barbie are NOT what we look like. Proud of you for this. #respect #naturalgirlsunited #nerdland." - Cory G., Facebook
"Wish I found your company sooner, but soooo glad I did!! Bought a doll last night for myself and will continue to buy more. Can't wait to put a custom order in!!! Your work is amazing and thank you!" - Talaya M., Facebook
"Kudos to you, Karen...this is not a niche' market, but one that has been overlooked and underrepresented for much too long. Next hurdle...music videos! Keep up the awesome work...our little girls need to know they are beautiful BEFORE they set one foot in a salon!" - Carlos P, Faceboolk
"I am SO MAD I never had any dolls like this when I was young. These are HOT!! For the first time in my life, I wish I had a little girl so I could get her one of your dolls! I ♥ what you're doing. More of our little girls need to know that their natural hair is beautiful and something to be proud of! Much ♥ & Kudos to you Karen!" - Nishia I., Facebook
"Black girls Rock! You Rock!!!!! You are so talented and amazing. How long have we been waiting for dolls that represent our culture? I'm going to tell everyone I know about your dolls. I'll also be placing an order for my granddaughters. I'm praying for your continued success. Peace and thousand blessings." - Dorrette P., Facebook
“It’s about time a company made black dolls that are as beautiful as we truly are...thank you!!! :)” - Shauna T., Facbeook
“I love your dolls… How utterly beautiful. Such pride and joy this brought me!!” – Allison V., Facebook.
"Just came across your blog and the dolls Amazing! Just love it I also buy my baby girl ethnic dolls just to make a point how beautiful she is... Great inspiring. Will be watching NGU from now on with her by my side. Keep up the good work . God Bless." - Margarita W., Email
"Oh my goodness, the dolls are just amazing. You need to be Oprah, better yet Ellen!!!" - Cheryl S., EMail
"Mind blowing how awesome these dolls are!" Marlene D, Facebook
"The dolls are gorgeous, just like us:)" - Sabra S, Facebook
"I just discovered your natural hair dolls and they have made my day! Thank you." - T, Facebook
"I LOVE these dolls! They are amazing. I will be putting myself on the waiting list ASAP!" - Delijah P., Facebook
"I am SO MAD I never had any dolls like this when I was young. These are HOT!! For the first time in my life, I wish I had a little girl so I could get her one of your dolls! I ♥ what you're doing. More of our little girls need to know that their natural hair is beautiful and something to be proud of! Much ♥ & Kudos to you Karen!" - Nishia I., Facebook
"I am writing just to let you know how thrilled I am to add the two gorgeous dolls to my collection. I have always wanted to surround my girls with beautiful images of color and the natural beauties [natural hair dolls] reaffirm my daughters' natural hair. Thank you!" - Donna, Email
"I'm a natural hair specialist/braid-stress and I absolutely love these [dolls]!" - Lufituaeb M., Facebook
"Love These Dolls! They are truly Gorgeous, Just Like We Are : )." - Quinn J., Facebook
"I opened this [Natural Girls United! website] with my 10 year old next to me, "That one's [doll] like my hair, mom" Made me so Happy!! - Bernadette C., Facebook
"It is almost next to impossible to get a black doll from local retailers like Target, and others. After multiple trips at various times to buy one, the stock clerk told me that they are bought by collectors before he can even put them on the shelves. My next step was to see if I could buy the black dolls from the manufactures. Hasbro told me that they make one black and one Hispanic doll for every 25 white, and they do not transact retail sells. Happy to know about Natural Girls United." - Willene L., Facebook
"This is such an awesome vivid Idea thank You Greatly Appreciated." - Ny R., Facebook
"Thank you for doing this. What a positive impact you will have on young girls." - Tiffany S., Email
"Wow.... I wish I had dolls like this growing up. These dolls are beautiful. I've never seen a doll that looks like me before - big lips, with big natural hair and a big smile to match. I love it ^_^!" - Fantashablue, YouTube
"I want to express my appreciation for your craft. Those dolls are absolutely beautiful and I will be ordering a few in the near future. I had to tell you how wonderful your dolls are. Keep doing what you do!" - Jan, Email
"Oh Wow!!!! I am soooo thankful for this website. I have locks and my 5yr has two strand twists and my 3yr old's hair is braided. I'm so glad to know where I can get their Christmas gift from. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The dolls are beautiful!!!" - Megan, Email
"If only Mattel Inc had this in the 90's..." - Saxygurl8, Youtube
"Hi Karen. Got the doll today. She’s AWESOME !!!!! Thank you very much." - Marcus, Email
"You can all see that lot of our skin tone are on the dolls! I think it's just perfect!" - Shaydalyn, Facebook
"Wow this are awesome. About time!" - Rick, Facebook
"THESE ARE SO HOT, THANKS!! :-)" - Cenestra, Facebook
"It's about time... :-)" - Lucretia, Facebook
"Your dolls are absolutely gorgeous!" - Lena, Email
"Simply stunning!!!" - Dashergirl13, YouTube
"These are amazing!!" - Faizah J., Facebook
"Our daughters need this so bad!" - Khalilah, Facebook
"Let's support realistic images for the eyes of our children!" - Folami, Facebook
"I bought two dolls and they are amazing. I gave my niece one and she loves it! I can't wait to buy more. Thanks!" - Roni, Email
"I got my doll today & I love it!!! I loved it so much I gave it to my sister who's a doll collector. The look on her face was priceless!!!! I will surely be ordering my dolls from u in the future!!!" - Desiree, Facebook
"The dolls I bought for my nieces...THEY ADORE THEM!! They take such good care of them, they both keep them on their shelves so no one can mess with them when they aren't being played with. It's amazing to see their faces light up when they get to play with a doll that looks like them. I wish these were in the stores, your dolls are incredible, just ego boosters for little Black girls." - Roni, Facebook
"Amazing! Wonderful & Beautifully Refreshing. Thank you for your initiative & for helping to invoke a huge smile to my face." - Michele, Email
"Finally!! I love that your dolls highlight the diversity and beauty of every black woman. Holding a doll that looks like you and has your textured hair & features is a very powerful message that you are beautiful even if that beauty is not always embraced and reflected back to you by society. I need to know where I can get these for my daughters and nieces. Long overdue and well done. Love it!!" - Camila P., Facebook
"God bless you for stepping out of the box and blessing us with these beautiful dolls! I wish I had them back in the 1960"s when I was trying to develop my self image as a little girl. One step for African American women. Thank you!" - Tanya M., Facebook
"My sister loves the doll. Just wanted to thank you once again for the fantastic job you've done. Thank you." - Keeshona B., Email
"Gorgeous hair [re:dolls hair],I want that hairstyle!" - Didie L., Facebook
"Karen we are so enjoying this doll! I am going to have 1 made like me soon! We are going to keep passing them thru our family as family heirlooms! Down so that many years from now Lea's daughter will be able to look at the dolls and till one day down the family tree someone looks up at the mantel and says that's my grandmother" - From Keshia who brought a doll for her daughter. Comment shared on Facebook.
"Karen - Just got Kaya's doll. She is beautiful! Thank you so much for making natural beauty a reality for our family! Happy Holidays!" - Milissa D., Email
"I cannot wait to have a little girl to get one of these for." - Annette Lilly, Twitter
"Just a note to say I saw your gorgeous dolls on the MHP Show this morning and I love them! As a 51 year-old, nappy haired African-American woman, they spoke to the little girl in me who struggled with her identify as a child, and with her inability to grow long, straight hair. Your work will make a difference in the lives of little black girls everywhere who have no idea how beautiful they are. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" - Paula T., email
"Omg your dolls are AMAZING. I'm from the UK and we have nothing like them over here. All my dolls I buy for my daughter, I have to buy overseas. It's like we don't matter in the UK. I will def be placing a order with u in the near future. Well done!" - Hannah H, Email
"I am SO MAD I never had any dolls like this when I was young. These are HOT!! For the first time in my life, I wish I had a little girl so I could get her one of your dolls! I what you're doing. More of our little girls need to know that their natural hair is beautiful and something to be proud of! Much & Kudos to you Karen!" - Nishia I., Facebook
"Even as a grown man, it's refreshing to see a doll that epitomizes and models itself after the Black Woman. It would be a beautiful thing to see the black youth grow up with a doll to play with (or collect), like Barbie was to the white girls in its era. I must share this with females of my family ;-)." & "I'm a grown man that has to say I like knowing that these dolls are out there in representation of Black culture. It's about time. What really caught my attention is expression of the hair from our Black culture. The diversity of skin tones as well as hair textures and styles of the dolls is part of their beauty that reflects the real life Ebony Nubian." - Earl S., Facebook
"Let me start out by saying.....OMG!!!!!!! These dolls are beyond BEAUTIFUL!!!! I can not believe my eyes. You have done,are doing something that hasn't been done before. I am just speechless I have never seen anything like it, this is exactly what (we) is needed to let little girls understand that they are also beautiful. I would like to purchase one for every little I know.I am so HAPPY that i came across your site. You are doing extraordinary things.. You are changing the world as we know it. Just want to say THANK YOU." - Katica M, Email
"Creativity at it's best" - Anne N., Facebook
"Just saw your dolls on the MSNBC on the Melissa Harris-Perry show!! had to check this out and Wow! Thank you!! Geez I know what I'm getting my baby niece for xmas!! Perfect!! I might just collect them all for myself! Love it!" - Andrea W., Facebook
"Oh how I wish I could have bought these dolls for my daughters when they were growing up! I think I may buy one for myself." - Victoria B., Facebook
"!!! AMAZING ARTIST...KAREN BYRD !!!" - Ann K., Facebook
"Thanks so much and a special thank you for your contribution to heightening (in the eyes of our girls) the natural beauty and diversity of Black hair." - Akilah, Email
"Karen, just saw your work on Melissa Harris-Perry and I have already shared links to your site on multiple platforms. I love this and will share it with all of my friends raising girls. I believe in this, as self-hate and image issues begin with the dolls our kids play with. Superman and Barbie are NOT what we look like. Proud of you for this. #respect #naturalgirlsunited #nerdland." - Cory G., Facebook
"Wish I found your company sooner, but soooo glad I did!! Bought a doll last night for myself and will continue to buy more. Can't wait to put a custom order in!!! Your work is amazing and thank you!" - Talaya M., Facebook
"Kudos to you, Karen...this is not a niche' market, but one that has been overlooked and underrepresented for much too long. Next hurdle...music videos! Keep up the awesome work...our little girls need to know they are beautiful BEFORE they set one foot in a salon!" - Carlos P, Faceboolk
"I am SO MAD I never had any dolls like this when I was young. These are HOT!! For the first time in my life, I wish I had a little girl so I could get her one of your dolls! I ♥ what you're doing. More of our little girls need to know that their natural hair is beautiful and something to be proud of! Much ♥ & Kudos to you Karen!" - Nishia I., Facebook
"Black girls Rock! You Rock!!!!! You are so talented and amazing. How long have we been waiting for dolls that represent our culture? I'm going to tell everyone I know about your dolls. I'll also be placing an order for my granddaughters. I'm praying for your continued success. Peace and thousand blessings." - Dorrette P., Facebook
“It’s about time a company made black dolls that are as beautiful as we truly are...thank you!!! :)” - Shauna T., Facbeook
“I love your dolls… How utterly beautiful. Such pride and joy this brought me!!” – Allison V., Facebook.
"Just came across your blog and the dolls Amazing! Just love it I also buy my baby girl ethnic dolls just to make a point how beautiful she is... Great inspiring. Will be watching NGU from now on with her by my side. Keep up the good work . God Bless." - Margarita W., Email
"Oh my goodness, the dolls are just amazing. You need to be Oprah, better yet Ellen!!!" - Cheryl S., EMail
"Mind blowing how awesome these dolls are!" Marlene D, Facebook
"The dolls are gorgeous, just like us:)" - Sabra S, Facebook
"I just discovered your natural hair dolls and they have made my day! Thank you." - T, Facebook
"I LOVE these dolls! They are amazing. I will be putting myself on the waiting list ASAP!" - Delijah P., Facebook
"I am SO MAD I never had any dolls like this when I was young. These are HOT!! For the first time in my life, I wish I had a little girl so I could get her one of your dolls! I ♥ what you're doing. More of our little girls need to know that their natural hair is beautiful and something to be proud of! Much ♥ & Kudos to you Karen!" - Nishia I., Facebook
"I am writing just to let you know how thrilled I am to add the two gorgeous dolls to my collection. I have always wanted to surround my girls with beautiful images of color and the natural beauties [natural hair dolls] reaffirm my daughters' natural hair. Thank you!" - Donna, Email
"I'm a natural hair specialist/braid-stress and I absolutely love these [dolls]!" - Lufituaeb M., Facebook
"Love These Dolls! They are truly Gorgeous, Just Like We Are : )." - Quinn J., Facebook
"I opened this [Natural Girls United! website] with my 10 year old next to me, "That one's [doll] like my hair, mom" Made me so Happy!! - Bernadette C., Facebook
"It is almost next to impossible to get a black doll from local retailers like Target, and others. After multiple trips at various times to buy one, the stock clerk told me that they are bought by collectors before he can even put them on the shelves. My next step was to see if I could buy the black dolls from the manufactures. Hasbro told me that they make one black and one Hispanic doll for every 25 white, and they do not transact retail sells. Happy to know about Natural Girls United." - Willene L., Facebook
"This is such an awesome vivid Idea thank You Greatly Appreciated." - Ny R., Facebook
"Thank you for doing this. What a positive impact you will have on young girls." - Tiffany S., Email
"Wow.... I wish I had dolls like this growing up. These dolls are beautiful. I've never seen a doll that looks like me before - big lips, with big natural hair and a big smile to match. I love it ^_^!" - Fantashablue, YouTube
"I want to express my appreciation for your craft. Those dolls are absolutely beautiful and I will be ordering a few in the near future. I had to tell you how wonderful your dolls are. Keep doing what you do!" - Jan, Email
"Oh Wow!!!! I am soooo thankful for this website. I have locks and my 5yr has two strand twists and my 3yr old's hair is braided. I'm so glad to know where I can get their Christmas gift from. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The dolls are beautiful!!!" - Megan, Email
"If only Mattel Inc had this in the 90's..." - Saxygurl8, Youtube
"Hi Karen. Got the doll today. She’s AWESOME !!!!! Thank you very much." - Marcus, Email
"You can all see that lot of our skin tone are on the dolls! I think it's just perfect!" - Shaydalyn, Facebook
"Wow this are awesome. About time!" - Rick, Facebook
"THESE ARE SO HOT, THANKS!! :-)" - Cenestra, Facebook
"It's about time... :-)" - Lucretia, Facebook
"Your dolls are absolutely gorgeous!" - Lena, Email
"Simply stunning!!!" - Dashergirl13, YouTube
"These are amazing!!" - Faizah J., Facebook
"Our daughters need this so bad!" - Khalilah, Facebook
"Let's support realistic images for the eyes of our children!" - Folami, Facebook
"I bought two dolls and they are amazing. I gave my niece one and she loves it! I can't wait to buy more. Thanks!" - Roni, Email
"I got my doll today & I love it!!! I loved it so much I gave it to my sister who's a doll collector. The look on her face was priceless!!!! I will surely be ordering my dolls from u in the future!!!" - Desiree, Facebook
"The dolls I bought for my nieces...THEY ADORE THEM!! They take such good care of them, they both keep them on their shelves so no one can mess with them when they aren't being played with. It's amazing to see their faces light up when they get to play with a doll that looks like them. I wish these were in the stores, your dolls are incredible, just ego boosters for little Black girls." - Roni, Facebook
"Amazing! Wonderful & Beautifully Refreshing. Thank you for your initiative & for helping to invoke a huge smile to my face." - Michele, Email
If you would like to add a photo of yourself or your child with your/their new Natural Hair Doll from Natural Girl's United!, or if you would like to add a positive message about Karen's Natural Hair Doll's, send an email to [email protected].